Thursday, March 15, 2007

Less Expensive Marketing Plan For Your Business

No matter what your business concentration and no matter whether your business is brand new or has been in the market for some time you need to have a marketing plan. Otherwise, surely you will not be in business for a long time if you cannot sell your tangible products or services.

A marketing plan outlines what the current market conditions, company goals, competitions, and of course detailed brainstorm of your marketing strategy to penetrate the market. This also means understanding your current position in the market compared to your competitors. Another issue that some marketers often forget is the detail on how the customers perceive your company in the market. This issue is necessary since you can further analyze your company performance, correct any past mistakes, and of course redefine your positioning in the market. Some companies somehow like to throw away their marketing dollars by using ineffective advertising. Therefore bear in mind that cheaper marketing budget does not mean less effective to your business.

In this column I would like you to share some cheap marketing strategy that I have used in the past. Try it!!! They might boost your sales =)

  • I am a great fan of Public Relation (PR). This is free!! Create a good relationship with the local media, local editors, and writers in order to obtain company press release. Moreover, somehow PR has proven to be more and more effective. Well, you can ask Al Ries if you do not believe me =)

  • Create more connection within the industry by joining the industry organization which could enhance your networks to the potential customers or even suppliers.

  • Get online!!! Develop a website with features that could actively involve your customers. For instance, create a blog and forum. This is another form of PR which also could increase the chance of your company to be found by the potential customers (Blog could increase the hit rate through the major search engines eg. Google, Yahoo, MSN).

  • Work together with your customers. Appreciate them and affiliate with them in order to find the new customers. Keep them up to date.

  • Word of mouth is the king of publicity. Try to encourage this. Every business would have the unique way in encouraging word of mouth.

  • JUST DO IT!!!

David Herlambang



Anonymous said...

keep 'em coming bro.

MarketingFirst Group said...

Thank you
We should have a chat in the future
Success always bro...