The deepest condolence to all Virginia Tech Shooting Massacre
On behalf of the MarketingFirst Group I would like to express my deepest condolence for all the family and friends of the innocent victims of the Virginia Tech Shooting Massacre. Be strong.
My name is David Liputra Herlambang. Please allow me to introduce the other two MarketingFirst Group members; Michael Arief Purnama Raharja and Leonard Pelly. We are partners in business. Our interest in business and marketing started since we were still university students. Currently we are operating a small e-retail business in Sydney, Australia, which started as an eBay based business on 2006. Since we started this business, meeting challenges becomes a daily routine. At some stage, I needed to take "Stop Cold" just to help me sleep since I was not be able to sleep due to the business puzzles that kept coming into my brain. In spite of the confusion, tension, insanity and sickness that were caused by my business, I still love it anyway. I think the three of us really cannot find anything more exciting than being confused, tensed, insane and sickened due to the business and marketing puzzles. Welcome to our marketing journal and please enjoy.
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